Recipients at Written in Red
Recipients at Beautiful Spirited Women
Now, if you want to, it’s time to use what we’ve learned.
No one is going to give you a grade for this.
You won’t get a prize,
or even a certificate.
If you write to the kid your sending a backpack to, that kid won’t write back, but here’s the thing–
You will know what you did.
Your brain will enjoy a shot of the natural chemicals built into your reward system.
And best of all,
you will get the unique purpose-payoff:
You did the right thing,
the unselfish thing,
the thing that helped …
helped another person
and helped you
be the person all of us want to be.
Will you choose to collect $40.00?
Those forty dollars will:
→ give a backpack to a child whose family cannot afford to buy one.
→ stop at least 30 plastic bottles from polluting the oceans.
→ plant a mangrove tree in “cyclone alley” of India to protect people and animals the storms and act as a superhero carbon holder.
Oceanbags, is the nonprofit company who offers you all of this information, makes the backpacks from ocean-bound plastic, gets the backpacks to kids in crisis, and pays for the mangroves to be planted.
We are very small.
But these things we are doing
make a difference.
This is what we can do,
and we do what we can.
We challenge you to do what you can. Ask friends and family to help you:
Give a bag.
Plant a tree.
Save the sea.
Recipients at Miracle Ranch
Recipient at Lee and Beulah Moore Children’s Home